Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Ramping Up for Module 01

We are working hard in the Studio this week scheduling calls and talking to all the
students who have registered for Alphachimp University's first course,

"How to Become a Rockstar Scribe at School or Work."

Thank you for all the great response!!

In preparation for the launch, we are taking input from the answers we have heard from you and processing them with a real-time workshop we are hosting in our studio for some local students.

We started our morning with a great "Welcome Wall" created by Lillian, age 7.

Here are four new students to Alphachimp University and their first assignment.
(And yes, one student is our very own daughter Lillian.)

Below are the drawings they made for their first exercise.

Lillian did research to create a visual to share with her team members
about what she learned about Ed Emberley.

After debriefing their lessons, they begin to write a summary of their lesson.

You still have time to sign up for

"How to Become a Rockstar Scribe at School or Work"

and save $200!!

Thank You Neuland!!

We are getting ready for the launch of Alphahcimp Univesity's first course, "How to Become a Rockstar Scribe at School or Work". As part of our launch we are ordered five sets of Neuland Markers to give away.

We then asked if they would be willing to send us anything for our launch to give to our students. As a result of their generosity, we have an entire Neuland product area of gifts ready for our second course that will be launching this Summer...

Neuland offers a complete range of seminar and training materials – from high-quality markers to pinboards. All Neuland products are designed, manufactured and continuously improved at their own factory premises.

Their product know-how makes them one of the leading educational material suppliers in Germany.

I hope to make them a huge supplier to the WORLD!! Their products are AMAZING!!!

Check them out!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Moving On Up...

Alphachimp has moved...

We have a beautiful new office with three work areas for:

- Animation
- Training
- Production

Sunday, May 8, 2011

New York - Time Lapse Video

Peter and I traveled to New York City last week for a

"Doodles In Motion" - Time Lapse Video

We filmed in the Silve Cup Studios which is where 30 Rock is filmed.
I was told that Tina Fey was in the building. OMG!

We watched a wrestling match in Times Square.

So many good shows on Broadway.

Peter looking good.

Diane feeling good. It was so incredible to be in New York again.

Here we are at the studio. We shot 5 hours of video in two days for a 3 minute animation.

Peter on the monitor.

The director and the client watching Peter on the Monitor.

In the shadows calling all the shots!

For our album cover!!